
Monday, July 16, 2012

Fresh Chicken Pot Pie

This is one of my favorite recipes. I found it on and have made many variations. It is an easy recipe, although the prep can take a bit of time. I will make 2 of these and keep one for later. I use whatever veggies I have on hand. It is always delicious, and if I am using leftover chicken, it is a no-brainer.

Check out the full recipe here.

My tips:
I used arrowroot powder. I used 2 T for the recipe and it worked great. 
The first time I made this I had never heard of a parsnip. It is a large white root, like a carrot. 
I used the left over chicken I had from my crock pot chicken I made last week.
In my recipe I used broccoli, sweet potatoes, celery, parsnips, onion, and carrots. 

When you top the pie with crust, it is OK if it doesn't cover completely. It fluffs up a bit during the baking. 

I have made this in a large pie dish, as pictured or in small serving sized ramekins. Both are awesome!


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