
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Movie Time! King Corn

A few weeks back I watched this documentary with my husband and brother-in-law. If you know either one of them, you are probably thinking, "how did you get them to watch a documentary with you?" Well it may have taken a little finagling on my part.

Me: Hey do you guys want to do something TOTALLY different tonight than we have every done before? Them: What is it? Me: A surprise, you just have to say yes or no. Them: Um not really. . . Me: Come on it is fun to try new things! (Insert begging here) Them: OK fine. 

They may have been less than thrilled when I pulled out the documentary, "King Corn" I had checked out from the library. BUT they were into the movie within 30 min, and we all learned a lot about food that night.  My brother-in-law has been talking about King Corn with his co-workers, neighborhood friends, and he is more conscious of his food choices. If you haven't watched this movie- go get it! If it has been awhile, watch it again! It will help you on your Paleo journey, wherever that may be, and you will be making better food choices in the future. Enjoy!


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