
Monday, July 30, 2012

Fresh Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you are like me and you remember back to your pre-paleo days you loved a good chocolate chip cookie. The warm gooey chocolate chips fresh out of the oven. . . heaven!

Who am I kidding, I STILL love a good chocolate chip cookie! My friend Janelle brought this dough over the other night, and we cooked up a batch of the best paleo cookies I have ever had. Well, she cooked them, and I ate them. I love "cooking" that way. ;)

She found the recipe here and followed it just how they had it. She just put the cookie dough into clumps on my silpat cookie sheet and they were fabulous! Even my husband's non-paleo eating softball buddies liked these. (If there is anyone you can't fool about cookies, it is a group of dudes. They will either like it or hate it.) So heat up your oven, make yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy!

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